
March 14, 2021

Twitter getting woke over Charlie Hebdo

Here's the story, and really, you just need the image to know what's up; you can probably fill in the SJW blanks on reaction, re the "woke" in my header. I'm not a total fan of Charlie Hebdo, but this is what it does. It's not out of the norm for them.

The SJW world (not the monarchy defenders) went off.

Some claimed it was simply inappropriate to "appropriate" George Floyd, especially on the date his family settled a civil suit. I disagree. It's not "appropriation," but rather playing off the image. And, as far as the timing? Charlie Hebdo may be many things, but "mind readers" is of course not one of them.

(On the specifics of the image? One could argue that Prince Philip's visage would be better there, if what Markle said is about him. But, he's less recognizable, and he doesn't wear the pants on the British throne. Oops. Some SJW will probably attack me for that. No, really. It's happened before. On Twitter.)

Shock me.

Others claim that Charlie Hebdo is racist. Like this French guy:

As I said, I don't agree with everything about Charlie Hebdo, but I disagree that it's racist, and I've discussed before the specifics of its use of French language, and how either accidentally, or deliberately, not looking at that was the same thing SJWs did six years ago.

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