
January 25, 2021

Neoliberal Dems are also climate change semi-minimalists

So are many of their media friends, like William Wallace-Wells at NY Mag, claiming the war over climate denial has been won.

Whether it has or not is one thing. I don't think it has, but, if claiming it has is because you think neoliberal market-based actions will fix everything, as Wallace-Wells does, it certainly has not been one.

Or, it HAS been won, because per Pogo, "We have met the enemy and he is us."

WW does halfway admit that 2.5C or more, not just 2C, is semi-baked in unless we act now.

But, after that, it's a fail.

Reality, as noted here before? The Paris Accords are toothless Jell-O and Biden having the U.S. rejoin them does noting to make them less toothless. And, Biden's old boss, Dear Leader, was one of two people, along with Xi Jinping, to make sure they're toothless. (This, in addition to his lies on Uyghur camps, is another reason to despise Howie Hawkins and any other leftists and left-liberals who give Xi a pass on anything.)

Further reality? I don't know what he thinks about Xi Jinping, but at the Nation, John Nichols (shock me) loved him some of Biden's pseudo-green taint.

Further reality? 

The curves are bending even more slowly than WW claims. 

Coronavirus didn't bend the curve that much, and its effects are temporary.

The slow bending is likely too late, unless we do a real, non-Democrat Green New Deal.

The bipartisan foreign policy establishment likes to lick Xi's pseudo-green taint.


Another neoliberal climate change minimalist, or  to be technical, a salvific technologist? Elon Musk, who still believes carbon capture is both doable and a real too. (Salvific technologism is also part of WW's schtick.

So, Democrats, like Republicans, will fiddle will LA and DC burns. They'll just play nicer, louder music.

And, a reminder: The most recent switch in weather in California is why we talk about "climate change" and not just "global warming," wingnuts.

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