
January 15, 2021

Is the Green Party afraid of facing the truth, that many of its own members think the Jan. 6 Capitol assault was a "psyops"?

It's a serious question. A VERY serious question, per the above poll.

I've tried to ask it on two Green social media sites and been censored at one, then banned from the other.

I first posted a poll to the official Green Party Facebook group, asking how many Greens thought the assault was a "false flag" or "psyops." That group has post moderation. Within 8 hours, my post was no longer in the moderation queue, but it wasn't on the page, either.

In other words, using the word outside its constitutional law sense, it had been censored.

So, being a member of the Green Party Supporters group at MeWe, which doesn't have moderation and is under new ownership, with one Charles Keener taking over from previous owner Debra Petton Bell (I'm naming names!) I posted the same there on Sunday.

Didn't get any vote notifications before I went to bed Sunday. 

BUT? Noticed it was gone Monday. Had suspicions that Keener had censored it, but couldn't prove it.

So, I reposted. 

And, per the image above, got two people who said "yes" before Keener hauled it down AND banned me from the group. I think the ban, right as I was checking MeWe notifications, also caused a browser crash that caused a computer crash.

Anyway, Keener made all sorts of bullshit claims. (I eventually blocked him. I was at one time a FB friend of his, but he apparently unfriended me. He also has two accounts, and neither one is a "page," so a bit of ego there. Anyway, I blocked both of them.)

First, he said I was a troll.

Really? Wanting to find out the truth about Green attitudes is being a troll?

I posted the poll in both spots PRECISELY because several Greens elsewhere have made false flag claims. Let's say it's a minority. Still, wouldn't it me nice to see HOW small of a minority, as in ...
2 percent?
3 percent?
5 percent?
7 percent?
10 percent?

Are that many Green Party "thought leaders" that afraid of seeing how many Greens really do think the assault on the Capitol was a psyops?

WHY would they be afraid?

Like Republicans claiming "that's not who we are" of the assault itself, maybe they're afraid of facts to the contrary being put into evidence.

Second, he claimed I was reactionary. I refuted that in comments by saying I'd voted Green for prez every election this century (up to now).

He responded to THAT by claiming I had "fallen." This from a person who, at least four years ago, was a Berner Dem, not a Green.

My MeWe post had tagged him over the issue and said I was going to block him. After the last word being mine, and previous comments question either the frequency of, or ability at, reading and reading comprehension, I did.

And so, here we are.

I posted the poll on my own MeWe feed. No time limit. We'll see the response in a month.

As for "Green Party Supporters"? It had become little more than an extended version of Charles Keener's personal feed after he took it over. Good riddance.

And, since I did NOT vote for Howie Hawkins, in large part over him guzzling the Xi Jinping Thought Kool-Aid on Uyghur camps, I'm pretty much a man without a party now. The Movement for a People's Party has filed for party status in Maine, but yet has nothing to do to "win" me, between having its own collection of conspiracy theorists and Berners. IF the SPUSA can be conspiracy-free and not the tail on the GP donkey, it may have me. Stand by.


As for Jan. 6? Trump's "come to the Capitol" Tweet in isolation arguably was an incitement to nothing. But Green Party members who make that argument are full of shit. Somebody inside his White House (ie, Gorka, Miller), even if not Trump himself, likely had an inkling of wingnut social media being used to organize this and probably encouraged Trump to tweet his invitation. 

Let's also not forget Trumpian Twitter context. This is the same president who, when asked last summer to disavow the Proud Boys, instead tweeted about how they should "stand by."

Calling it a coup attempt might (or might not) be too harsh. Calling it an insurrection is not. 

Nor is calling it sedition.

Just in case you're wondering? The federal criminal definition of sedition very much fits the action of leading actors on Jan. 6, specifically bullet points 2 and 3. This is why, contra the admins of the official Green Party Facebook group and people like Charles Keener here, it's important to know what percentage of self-identified Greens are conspiracy-thinking enough to consider this a "psyops." 

Instead, why aren't more Greens, per Dan Froomkin, openly talking up the idea of collusion between the Capitol Police and Der Stürmer? Or, related to that, the issue of racist MAGAs on the Capitol Police?

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