
November 23, 2020

Suggested new names for the Washington Football Team

Recently, the logoless squad formerly known as the Washington Redskins announced it would not have its team get an official new name for a full year or more and might play 2021 as the WFT as well.

(That IS WFT and not WTF, which could also be used for many things surrounding this issue, but we move forward.)

With new ball coach Ron Rivera citing "gut feelings" in benching Dwayne Haskins and replacing him (for now) with Kyle Allen, it looks like WFT is in no game-day hurry, either.

With that in mind, here are a few suggestions.

The Washington Hogs. Would honor not only Joe Jacoby and other linemen of the Joe Bugel as line coach era, but would also salute the gut feelings, and hog-sized guts, of the Skins' two most renowned old-time quarterbacks, Sonny Jurgensen and Billy Kilmer .

We could go Washington Gunslingers, in honor of Slingin Sammy Baugh. But that's problematic in another way, as the former Washington Bullets of the NBA know.

Washington Palefaces? Turnabout is fair play, one might say. On the other hand, claiming that American Indians called Europeans "palefaces" actually would perpetuate old stereotypes.

Washington Senators is a possibility, if you want to see if they'll leave town like two baseball teams.

Washington Generals? After all, per the above, the WFT looks to win no more often than the Globetrotters' hapless opponents for decades, right? On the other hand, politicians who support cheap patriotism stunts like airplane flyovers of NFL stadiums would surely take this one the wrong way. And, speaking of politicians, you'd surely have Donald Trump trying to raise some New Jersey Generals patent infringement claim. It would be bogus, but do you want to give him any more oxygen?

Speaking of, you could call them the Washington Trumps, reflecting mutual moral bankruptcy of The Donald and Dan Snyder.

A more serious twist would be the Washington Admirals, which would give a nod to nearby Annapolis. Would be even bigger if you get The Admiral, David Robinson, as a part owner.


  1. @Unknown ... Or the Washington Federal Reserve, if the players are either shy or want to inflate their stats!


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