
August 28, 2020

The latest lies of Andrew Sullivan and his free-range bigotry

Nickel version of analysis of Sully's new stupidity about Democrats, Black Lives Matter and other things.

(Update and related: Sully, in an interview with Ben Smith, admits that his pseudoscience on genes and race pushed himself outside the MSM. Rephrasing for the truth, Sully. Also worth noting from Ben: Sully claims he has $500K of suckerdom for his pseudoscience over at Substack. If a Taibbi, even, is getting 15 percent of that, FUCK ALL the "poor journalists" at Substack.)

First, the mayhem started with George Floyd. The shooting of Jacob Blake started the mayhem in Kenosha. Unnecessary use of force. That said, am I saying Blake is an angel? No. But, calling him an alleged rapist while linking to a Reuters fact-check that said "no he aint" without saying that's what Reuters said? Racist enough there.

And, then, not mentioning the kid gloves the Kenosha police used for Kyle Rittenhouse? Total failure.

Then this, channeling his inner Richard Nixon.
If one party supports everything I believe in but doesn’t believe in maintaining law and order all the time and everywhere, I’ll back a party that does. What else do you call that, especially when nothing in the piece talks about police brutality, whether race-directed police brutality or police brutality in general?
He goes on to willfully mischaracterize what "defund the police" means. He cites no stats to show how small a percentage of police activity is responding to criminal 911 calls.

Next, he claims Biden and the Democrats are "wedded" to Black Lives Matter and offers other nonsense:
But Biden, let’s face it, is weak and a party man to his core, and has surrendered to the far left at almost every single turn — from abortion to immigration to race.
Biden is a centrist neoliberal squish. And, if Sully really thinks today's abortion rights are far left, what about gay rights? You wanna have today's cops arrest your bearback ass for sodomy?

But, behind all of this?

Sully's loathing for so-called "cancel culture," even if he didn't sign the Harper's letter, discussed by me here, including that anti-BDS Zionists are the real cancel culture.
Remember the pivotal moment earlier this summer when the New York Times caved to its activist staff and fired James Bennet? It’s no accident this was over an op-ed that argued that if New York City would not stop the rioting in the streets, the feds should step in to restore order. For the far left activists who now control that paper, the imposition of order was seen not as an indispensable baseline for restoring democratic debate, but as a potential physical attack on black staffers.
There you go.

If this is a Weimar moment, then Andrew Sullivan has officially joined the non-Nazi rightists.

And, to the degree he has anything correct, or close to it, failure to connect today's Antifa to the old Black Bloc is another failure.

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