
July 30, 2020

John Nichols licks Biden's "green" taint, finds it tasty

The Nation's John Nichols, who has never missed a chance to diss the Green Party through silence, and is another reason I wouldn't pay a plugged nickel to subscribe to that rag, is at it again, claiming that Sleepy Joe Biden (Dopey Joe? Grumpy Joe?), by presenting an alleged environmental plan, has opened himself to being pushed from the left.

Bullshit, as I told him in a trio of Tweets, which I shall post and further explicate.

Start here:
And, yes, Nichols should know that. Places even less librul (it's NOT leftist) than Nichols' rag reported the "no fracking." It was all over Twitter within hours after Biden releasing it.

Please, John.

That said, I take one thing back.

Your lie about what this plan is DID get the Green Party in the story.
Julian Brave NoiseCat, the director of Green New Deal Strategy for the research group Data for Progress, suggested that “Biden’s clean energy and environmental justice plans are, in my view, a Green New Deal in all but name.” Green Party presidential nominee Howie Hawkins disagreed, arguing that “Biden is nowhere close to the GND. Besides having a timeline for emissions more than 20 years slower, he leaves out the other half, which is an economic bill of rights—guaranteed jobs, single payer healthcare, housing, etc.”
John doesn't openly agree with Julian the RabidDemCat, but I know where his sympathy lies.

That's because John says it himself:
That movement is what matters.
On to tweet 2:
And, that too is very true, and Nichols also knows that.

Beyond that, Gang Green enviros aren't into pushing from the left anyway. And, per the origin of the term, AND the laughs it drew from more activist groups, Nichols knows THAT as well.

And, on to Tweet 3:
None of this surprises me about Nichols. Per the "butt-hurt" above, he's gotten butt-hurt when I've called him on his anti-Green bona fides before.

In addition, John, RabidDemCat and others know the Paris Accords are toothless Jell-O. Related? Yale Climate Connections estimates that Dear Leader vastly underpriced the "social cost" of carbon emissions.

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