
June 06, 2020

My top blogging during May

A similar post is mistitled because it's about April blogging, actually.

No. 1 and 10 are old blogging.

No. 1, perhaps trending because of what I've written about the First Amendment, churches, and quarantine laws (thanks, sincerely, John Roberts) is an old piece about whether or not a college can discriminate against a religious group. It may also be popular because of the old comment, before I had moderation turned on, has links generating hits. I still like the piece, so I won't delete it. Blogger won't let me delete the comment, sadly.

No. 10 has been popular here before. Timothy Treedwell is still dead, and fertilizing Alaskan soil as decayed grizzly shit and still fricking nuts.

No. 2? Joe Biden's Veep nomination is more important than ever since killer cop lover Klobberin Kobuchar refuses to remove herself from consideration, showing what an embarrassment the modern Democratic Party is.

No. 3 is about why Jesse Ventura was chickenshit on seeking (by the back door) the GP presidential nomination. With the Green Party still refusing to supply a PDF of his letter of interest, it shows what an embarrassment the modern Green Party is also becoming.

No. 4, about Libertarian nominee Jo Jorgensen, has taken off since being reposted on Independent Political Report. It's been extensively updated and expanded and has generated two spinoff posts that will go up later this month.

No. 5? Week 9 of the weekly coronavirus roundup. No. 8? Week 10.

No. 6? That similar post.

No. 7: Another favorite of mine, about how the coronavirus, and the conspiracy theories it's generating, show that the horseshoe theory (at least in the US, with limited political thinking outside the duopoly) might be more true than false. Suck on that, Noah Berlatsky.

No. 9? My latest deconstruction of self-appointed basic income guru Scott Santens. Learn some actual math, dude. And, if you are peddling BI with bad math, stop peddling quasi-libertarian versions, or more accurately, tech-neoliberal versions. This leftist of sorts is tired of it.

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