
April 02, 2020

Coronavirus: Chinese nationalist lies face off against
Trumpian Deep State hypocrisy lies, coming red state woes

I blogged more than two weeks ago (seems like an eternity in the new normal), about how China had lied about coronavirus statistics in the country, and many other problems with China's early handling. I added that some of these problems, evidenced by its attempt to create a new alternative to the World Health Organization that was in its back pocket, showed that it may still be lying.

But, none of that gives any room to President Trump to politicize the US intelligence world.

Remember all his Deep State bullshit? Well, he's now decided that if he can use the alleged Deep State as a tool of his propaganda, he will.

As for the details of the Bloomberg story? The US is also excluding asymptomatic people right now because it doesn't have the means of testing them.

That said, per other things recently, this has devolved into a trans-Pacific shouting match between Xi Jinping Thought and Donald Trump Thought. Unlike the alleged outside-the-box stenos of a fair chunk of lefty journalism (Maté, Blumenthal, Ames, Taibbi, Consortium News, etc.) I assume that BOTH Trump AND Xi are lying, or spinning hard enough to be almost lying.

It is harder for Trump to outrightly lie about death stats. And, it's clear he's accepted that, even as he keeps spinning for his stanners. That said, it continues to work ONLY for his stanners. The latest AP poll says any "mini-surge" of a week ago has faded away again.

Dead antlers in Alaska may be joined by dead people soon.
And, Trump will face a bigger problem in weeks ahead, in all likelihood. Rural areas that think they're safe will likely find out in a week or two that that's not true. Kansas and Oklahoma, for example, will likely be in trouble in two weeks. (Some rural touristy areas in the West are already hot spots.)

Alaska, even, could face problems. And, people who are familiar with the playout of the Spanish flu know that it decimated, or worse than decimated, to use the word correctly, even tiny villages on Alaska's Yukon River.

Anyway, back to the main point. The hypocrisy level of Trump never ceases to amaze me. The stenos and others, though they know better, probably in general won't call him out for politicizing the intelligence world.

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