
April 27, 2020


AOC, of course, being short for the "much beloved in these precincts" Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez.

JAP being an acronym that, I believe, took off in the 1960s and has nothing to do with orange meatballs and Nippon.

Soooo ....

Per the AOC Wiki page, as I first blogged a full year ago, I'm waiting for her likely ungrounded claim to have Sephardi Jewish ancestry to be deconstructed. And, since nobody else jumped in, I guess it's me doing this.

This isn't just on her. In New Mexico, many Hispanos claim to have Sephardi ancestry and its more likely that they're descended from Protestant Adventist converts of the late 19th century. And, as for a breast cancer mutation proving Sephardi Marranos in New Mexico? Uh, no, Jews haven't so often married within their religion as the story claims, among other things. Also, Smithsonian doesn't tell you that those families denied being Jewish, as NIH reports.  And the British Medical Journal notes the mutation arose more than once. It also tells you that this mutation has been found frequently in ASHKENAZI Jews, an entirely different kettle of fish. (Smithsonian's breathless story also fails to note this issue.)

There's just too much "looseness" to satisfy me here still. Beyond that, if the mutation goes back to before the start of the Common Era, it could have arisen in Herod's Idumeans or something. And, yeah, I'm going to go there — at times, it comes off like Oklahomans claiming to be one-eighth Cherokee. That's you, up in Massachusetts.

Seriously ... given that an estimated 3.5 million direct descendants of Marranos exist today? Scattered all over Latin America and beyond? I highly doubt her claims. And, I find it "interesting" that she made them between the election and starting office. She may sincerely believe what she said her family found. I'm skeptical.

What? AOC might be  Just.Another.Politician.™? Quelle horreur!

Actually, we'll probably hear from AOC the Kabbalist next.

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