
February 18, 2020

Ty Clevenger faces new Seth Rich conspiracy theory problems

Counsel for NPR's David Folkenflick, whom Seth Rich conspiracy theory nutter Ed Bukowsky has sued for defamation and who is represented in part by Seth Rich conspiracy theory nutter Ty Clevenger, had filed a motion to dismiss under Rule 11 of federal court procedure, which covers violations by legal counsel. The original motion was under seal on the details, presumably because, per that original, a co-counsel of Clevenger's could not be reached. We now also have the full deal.

This isn't the only time Clevenger's allegedly airtight legal beaglery has been challeged; last fall, he beat the rap on a motion to dismiss the case for failure to state a claim.

But it was nowhere near a slam dunk. The length of the magistrate's response indicates that it was getting careful consideration.

In the new filing? Let's see if the feds know that Butowsky and associates also have allegedly discussed spying on Rich's family.

Meanwhile, Clevenger faces California Supreme Court sanctions; let's hope that court knows his scofflaw history on such things.

(Update: I read the link when I got home. The Cal Bar gave him a hand-slap of a two-year suspension from practicing in California, itself probated three years. It did consider his previous sanctions, but did NOT consider him being a scofflaw on paying them. It listened to his friends saying he had integrity, when his integrity, to the degree it exists, wouldn't extend to gays and Muslims.)

Anyway, Rich nutters and Clevenger nutters are already circling the wagons with the usual claims which I refuted long ago.

July 24, 2020: Clevenger et al now want to have a totally new round of discovery. Proving that he, and his client, are both Seth Rich conspiracy theorists, they both want that discovery to include a nameless former British ambassador to Uzbekistan who is almost surely Assange toady Craig Murray.

Worse yet on the discovery version of barratry AND the clearest demonstration yet that this case is asshattery? Wanting to RE-depose Ellen Ratner, whom I thought was a friendly witness type. Turns out Butowsky didn't like her testimony. Oops.

Seriously, Butowsky is a clown, a buffoon, an idiot, and apparently a direct and indirect liar.  He'd be funny if we weren't talking about a death-related conspiracy theory. He did a self-own on Andrew Cuomo's show three full years ago:

He's not even that good of a dodger! And, on Aug. 1, though there's no blue check mark, it sure reads like the real Butowsky decided to follow me. (And blocked other people on a group thread.)

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