
February 03, 2020

Pray for Rush? For what?

So, Rush Limbaugh, hypocrite, has lung cancer. And, beyond being a hypocrite on religious values, he's a hypocrite in other ways, which I list near the bottom. And he's a hypocrite on the issue of his health, which we'll get to in just a minute.

But, first, an update. From one pilonidal cyst to another, Trump is giving old Rusty the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

(As for Rush's lack of religiosity, or at least lack of church participation? Not just me; a hardcore denizen of Wingnutistan like Crunchy Con Rod Dreher has called him out.

And as for Trump's lack of religiosity, he's probably praying for more wingnut icons to get sick so he can reward them this way during campaign season.

"Dear God, if Hannity gets the coronavirus, I'll give him the Presidential Medal of Freedom.")

First, let's read Almighty God himself pointing out ol Rusty being hung by his own petard on what's the issue at hand.
Add this, of related hot take:
There you go.

Now, a few more from yours truly.

First, who doesn't like Twitter polls?
And, yes, his "god," if any, is ultimately the god of Ayn Rand and of social Darwinism. So, I guess ol Rusty isn't the fittest? That poll is open for a week of the time of blogging this.

Per the cigar mag guy, I offer this:
There you go.

And, if you want REAL snark:
As longer-term online and meatspace friends know, I can snark with the best.

Then, one of many from the non-reality based community;
Seriously. Get a life. And if dittoheads act toward me like Kobestanners did toward Sonmez a week ago?

Meanwhile, this person wants a nonexistent entity to help Rush's cancerous lungs get pneumonia, I guess:
THAT's snark.

In reality, as a secularist, I don't pray for anybody.

If there were a god, looking at alleged Christian morality, I would pray for him to bring Limbaugh to the proper humility that would lead to repentance for his many various sins.

Besides his divorces, his mean-spiritedness and his Eighth Amendment violations, I would pray to such an entity for Rush to be enlightened from the sin of willful ignorance, or even the sin of pseudoscience. Besides the above on cancer, and his well-known stance on climate change denialism, Rusty has also been a flirter with the antivaxxer world. More here.

He'll probably go to Mexico for laetrile or some other pseudomedicine, if he can't find it here. And, if he can't stand the pain, will his opioid addiction pop back up? That's among the many other hypocrisies in his life, per RationalWiki.


  1. How is it that the US, a supposedly open society with access to so much info, has so many woefully ignorant citizens?

  2. Trouble, if you look through this blog, you'll see that I do all I can to fix that. But, you know, people have to want to listen.


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