
January 14, 2020

Clean slate for the new year: blogroll changes

Another White Atheist in Columbia is gone, gone, gone. A 2,500-word pontification about how some fellow secular humanists are meanies over food allergies, complete with nice polite Canadian martyrdom reflex about how maybe she had been, too, exemplified everything wrong with her.

Lobelog went off the air, and in its farewell, and Jim Lobe said much of its work would continue with the Quincy Institute. I didn't realize it was that left-neoliberal rather than independent. But, being funded by Ploughshares Fund and Rockefeller Brothers Fund? Uh, probably. And, with its move to Responsible Statecraft? Well, that critter doesn't have an RSS feed. And, it doesn't allow comments.

My Public Lands? Had some nice pictures on its Tumblr, but ... it doesn't post that often, and it's BLM, and BLM propaganda.

I finally got tired of Michael Hudson being wrong on on a boatload of shit in one post, which almost duplicated one two days earlier. Among the wrongs? The rest of the G20 would do no more about climate change than the US if you removed US front-running flak; our government deficit is about more than oil; we went off the gold standard before the US ended domestic price controls on oil or the first Arab oil embargo; parts of global warming are not directly related to oil, including US natural gas well leaks and related problems, cow farts, leaky AC units and more. In addition, since Hudson is a big MMTer, why isn't he proposing that as "the solution"?

On the bubble?

Driven to Abstraction, from whom I had come across Another NP Canadian Nutbar, has been posting less and less often. I'm not looking for something to write as often as me, but ... he may be deblogrolled soon. Shem, blog more!

Fleck's Colorado River blog? Melting away as fast as lost Colorado snowmelt here. Not canned it yet because I've not found a good replacement. (Update, Feb. 5, 2020: Apparently I've been ghosted out of commenting on his blog. I could just use a new email address, but he's not worth it. I tried FF as well as Chrome, home and office both. Wouldn't post. When I used same email but new user name, my comment posted, but "under moderation." I've been ghosted/banned. So, bye to Fleck.)

Egberto Willies? Good insights, and lots of contacts. OTOH, the man thinks that Elizabeth Warren is about as pergressuve as Sanders, and even defended Julian Castro's endorsement of her.

Black Agenda Report. It's not the same, and definitely not as good, since Bruce Dixon, a certified Green, died. Glen Ford is a Tulsi stanner and Danny Haiphong is worse. And not black. I discussed this in detail last fall.


The Syllabus, a generally biweekly roundup of interestingly weird stuff on the Net, curated by Evgeny Morozov and a board.

NM Political Report, edited by Heath Haussamen. Much more in-depth on anything besides insider politics stuff than Joe Monahan's NM Politics, which may go away, especially since he's a sucker for wingnut teens and hasn't responded to my email. (He also soft-pedals the damage the oil boom is doing in Little Texas let alone the big picture. He would never write this about the BLM, unlike NMPR, or this about methane emissions. But Monahan would and does snark on moving the state to more green energy; NM Political Report has a much more nuanced take.)

Finally, a note to commenters.

I recently allowed comments from people without Blogger or other Google IDs. That said, if you have "interesting" websites as part of your posting, I'll not allow, or I'll delete after I found out.

A recent semi-regular commenter with brief, generally positive, but semi-canned remarks, for example? I noticed that his website was not a personal one, a personal blog, a Twitter account, etc., but rather for an Indian business. Comments deleted.

1 comment:

  1. Since Patheos dumped its non-religious blogs, I have no idea what happened to Shem.

    Another White Atheist in Columbia probably got Canadian-worried about offending religious believers in general.


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