
June 23, 2019

God and Man at Liberty and First Baptist Dallas

To riff on Bill Buckley’s book, we know that President 2 Corinthians, President Cracker, scored a coup when he got Jerry Falwell Jr. to endorse him and not Ted Cruz in the GOP primaries. No matter that Junior, unlike Daddy, is not a minister. How did it happen?

Hustle by Michael Cohen, aided by a gay-friendly hostel Junior helped launch and further aided, allegedly, by some possibly risqué photos of Junior and wifey. In the background? Junior lying to Lyin Ted about why he couldn’t endorse him.

Ken Silverstein has more, noting other news outlets had part of the story a while back but couldn't nail everything down, and also presuming that Cohen wasn't acting on his own on this.

So, this led me to Stephen Young’s piece in the Dallas Observer about how blatantly screwed up the Trump fellating by Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, has been.

And, is there a reason for that? Given the timeline of how early Jeffress did his deep dive, it makes one wonder, doesn’t it?

And it makes you wonder what it is?

Jeffress showing cellphone pix of "Lil Bobby" to his wife? Or another woman? Or another man?

C'mon, Bob, you can tell us.

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