
April 15, 2019

Tax day: Thanks Obama! Thanks Obamacare

Due to a brief excursus to another job for two months in 2018, I have to pay two months of Obamacare penalty prorated off the $695 per year. (Thanks to Trump, and yes, a thanks of sorts if it helps kill Obamacare and forces Dumbocrats, I mean Democraps, to line up behind single payer, that penalty disappears on NEXT year's 1040.)

OK, the big deal of course is —

THE "rule" for benefits, the lusted after insurance "bennies" for which employers enserf employees even though they know, in many cases they'd save money with single-payer?

"You're eligible after 90 days."

My previous job, to which I returned, didn't "clear the decks" during my short absence, so I went right back on insurance there. But, had I stayed at the brief excursus, I would have had a three-month hit, not two months.

And, Dear Leader surely knew that 90-day rule.

Some countries that have national health care coverage use private insurers as part to nearly all of the system.

Switzerland, the most recent country of advanced nations to develop national health care coverage, is insurance-based. So is Taiwan, IIRC. Japan has a fair amount of its system insurance-based and German has a moderate amount that way.

But, in any of these countries, if there is employer-based insurance to fulfill the insurance coverage, there's NO "you're eligible after 90 days." Either Dear Leader knew that, too, and swept it under the rug, or, as in 2008 Democratic debates with Hillary Clinton and his ignorance over the need for an "individual mandate," he was that dumb.

Thanks Obama! Thanks Obamacare!

1 comment:

  1. Or door #3. Just didn't care. The third-way Dem's constant refrain is that they just need to "get the message right", aka marketing/propaganda rather than substantive policy. Their contempt for the general public is so openly displayed that it's a wonder they get anyone at all to vote for them.


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