
March 01, 2018

Polls! Hope Hicks and gun nuts

Yes, I've got two, but on Twitter, though I may post one of them here later.

The first is: What's the over/under on how long it takes Mueller to indict Hicks now that she's leaving the White House? (She may not have a huge amount to spill, but she surely has something beyond "white lies." And, she can provide a non-paper trail of the routines of not just Donald Duck but the whole Trump family.
There's your voting options. Click the link to go vote.

The second is: With Trump (for now) calling for a 21 and over sales restriction on guns, even to the point of calling Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Regurgitated Santorum) afraid of the NRA, what happens "in the street"? Do the MAGA-heads go ape shit? Do they stay quiescent and/or explain it away by motivated reasoning? In either one of the options, does Steve Bannon see this as an opportunity to stir up some "Look at me" shit himself, or does he stay quiet?
There you go for the visual version. Again, click the link to go vote.

The gun nuts poll, and tweet, was inspired by a tweet back to me. A MAGA-head, now muted, accused me of being "nasty." I had tweeted that the shot(s) fired in a Dalton, Georgia, school by a teacher should — for logically-minded people — put the kibosh on arming teachers in schools.

Said MAGA-head responded by saying that school shootings were all the fault of gun-free zones, that said person probably wasn't gun-trained, and a third critique which was no big deal.

I of course called bullshit on the gun-free zones. People do mass shootings at schools because there's a lot of people there. If they're from the same school themselves, they do it out of crude revenge for bullying or something as part of it.

But, as Texans know, Charles Whitman lit up UT from the tower long before gun-free zones existed. The Las Vegas shooter targeted a concert, which surely didn't allow guns although not being an official school gun-free zone, because that's where the people were.

As for the idea that the teacher likely wasn't gun-trained, I responded that since we didn't even have a name yet, there was no way of knowing that. I offered the counterpoint that the teacher could be a military vet, among other things.

At most mass shootings, or similar things, like ongoing sniper attacks, no, the people firing the guns know just what they're doing. And how to handle the guns they're doing it with.

Oh, and said person, before I hit the mute button (thanks Brains) had earlier in their Tweetline, said something about "gun grabbing." I made sure to remind them, that bullshit and more aside, Obama never did that in eight years and to stop it.

See, THAT's the deal, as I also told said person. Wingers expect libruls to discuss and debate — as long as libruls unilaterally disarm first. Unfortunately, academic libruls like Arlie Russell Hochshield gave them that idea.

I said "Homey don't play that gane."

Oh, and given that a site like Red State, though not Erick Erickson himself (yet?) is calling out Trump, this over his treatment of Sessions, a MAGA-sized split could happen.

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