
March 21, 2017

#Resist! — with a side of risotto, Clintonista neoliberal style

We'll explain that header, as I usually do with such creative headers, in just a minute.

Risotto for the resistance?
The Democratic Party establishment's version of "resistance" to Donald Trump is apparently going to be led by the Center for American Progress and Media Matters for America — two of the most shameless Clintonista outfits in last year's Democratic primaries.

CAP was founded by John Podesta, who gained new levels of cooking fame when Wikileaks one dump of emails from the Democratic National Committee email hacks laid bare for the world his risotto recipe. Current CAP head Neera Tanden apparently wasn't passing around her own curried basmati recipe.

MMFA was started by David Brock, the Clinton concierge who is the question-answer to "The Democratic hack who looks like a constipated Newt Gingrich." During the 2016 campaign, it metastasized into half a dozen spinoffs, led by people like Clinton Boys Peter Daou and Tom Watson.

These are the type of people who agreed with Hillary Clinton on promoting Trump, seeing him as the best candidate to run against. These are the types of people who surely agree that Donna Brazile did the right thing in leaking primary debate questions.

That said, I'm not a Democrat. This is just another reason for me to promote to others the idea of leaving the Democratic Party.

So, #DemExit and #VoteGreen (or better).

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