
July 30, 2016

Hey #Berners? Respectfully, it's time to get off the #pitypot

Too harsh? I think not.

First, Sanders was clearly eliminated almost two full months ago. You've had plenty of time to "mourn," whether you're in your 20s and new to political activism, or my age and beyond.

Second, he's proposed a semi-revolution, not a full revolution, in domestic policy, and other than a few cracks of recent daylight on Palestine, proposed little different on foreign policy.

Third, Plan B is out there, but the Green Party convention is just days away, and the end of July 31 is the end of a current deadline period to donate to Jill Stein and be eligible for matching federal funds to go to her campaign.

Of course, for some of you, maybe Bernie was "just right," neither too neoliberal nor too left-liberal (in American terms).

Well, he's out of the picture. And no, in many states, including here in Tejas, you can't write him in.

So, your choices are Jill, Hill, the pill (Trump) or nil (not voting). If you choose Hill, you listened to Sanders too much at the end, or you're wedded too much to the Democratic left hand of the two-party duopoly, but it's not too late to change. if you choose the pill, you're either voting purely out of anti-Hill/anti-Democrat spie and/or you've been seduced and traduced by trump. if you choose nil because Bernie was just right, you're either backing a person first, a message second, or else you didn't pay close enough attention to the message,

Per the first full paragraph, I've blogged about his elimination since it started looming. My message isn't so much for Berner kids as it is for older voters who should have a better mix of realism and idealism, or should have a better focus for idealism in the first place if they're really that idealistic.

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