
May 18, 2015

#Racist lies about #TwinPeaksShooting already being spread

I see the racist and outlaw biker lies about the Waco shootings at the Twin Peaks restaurant are already being spread far and wide, how this was "just" a mild little dispute between two biker groups, how nothing would have happened if the police hadn't mishandled it, etc.

Wrong. It was between two outlaw biker gangs, one of which, the Bandidos, is notorious enough to have its own Wiki page. Everybody arrested was white; many arrested were white, many having SS and other white/racial tattoos. Police had been checking on the biker recruitment situation at the restaurant for months.

So, don't listen to any outlaw racist biker lies you're hearing about this, folks.

Here's the reality, per Waco Tribune reports, which are mirrored by local TV, etc.
The Bandidos, a self-avowedly outlaw and even 1-percenter biker gang serious enough to have its own Wiki page, and the Cossacks, had both been recruiting for members during get-togethers at Twin Peaks for months. Waco PD says that management of the Twin Peaks remained uncooperative in addressing this.

Second, the cops botched nothing. The gang members had multiple chances to obey legitimate police orders, and refused.

Third, per that picture at left, we have just the opposite of Baltimore, Ferguson, etc. We have a bunch of white people who refused to obey police repeatedly.

And, yet, they're being treated far more gingerly by police than were the Baltimore or Ferguson protesters, which itself says something about police issues.

Remember, nobody in Ferguson or Baltimore killed at least nine people at one time. The people in that picture may well have.

Then there's this; note the SS tattoo on the guy at left. Gee, that's not a racism marker, is it? Of course, Breitbart Texas had to dogpile.

Meanwhile, Twin Peaks' Waco management now, in another Trib story, is doing the post-crime PR blather about "ready to cooperate," etc.
Jay Patel, operating partner in Twin Peaks’ Waco franchise, posted on the restaurant’s Facebook page: “We are horrified by the criminal, violent acts that occurred outside of our Waco restaurant today. We share in the community’s trauma. Our priority is to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for our customers and employees, and we consider the police our partners in doing so. Our management team has had ongoing and positive communications with the police and we will continue to work with them."
Don't buy it. And, sadly, how can an Indian-American worship the dollar that much, or whatever, to put up with this in the first place?

That said, Mr. Patel, your blather's probably too late. I guess a lot of other people, besides me, have been tweeting or facebooking the corporate office, which says it may well revoke your franchise license. Let's hope so.

UPDATE, 11:30 A.M. It is so. Patel's franchise agreement has been revoked.

But, this has nothing to do with outlaw bikers. This has nothing to do with outlaw bikers willfully shooting it out with police. This has nothing to do with any of these outlaw bikers being racist.


At least the police are "cleaning up" now, with more than 190 arrests. And, authorities are keeping the restaurant closed for at least the rest of the week.

UPDATE 2: Here's a good profile of the Bandidos in the Washington Post, which links to an even better, longer Texas Monthly piece by Skip Hollandsworth eight years ago.

UPDATE 3: Not all the lies are from racists. Others are from hardcore libertarians who — whether racist or not — are strongly anti-police. Some of them are probably militia movement types. (And, that movement, while not prima facie racist, has more than its share of racists.)

And, in both cases, let's not forget that nearly 85 percent of whites who are murdered are killed by other whites.

And, the fact that Waco PD has reported that autopsies show that 4 of the 9 bikers were killed by police up to four officers fired shots indicates they're being reasonably transparent, working to process evidence, etc. This is no false flag, no setup, no nothing like that.

Indeed, Texas DPS had warned on May 1 about possible Bandido-Cossack violence. The FBI reportedly also had information about a possible "war" between the two gangs. (All 9 dead were from the two.)
The bulletin said the FBI had received information that Bandidos had discussed "going to war with Cossacks." It also outlined several recent incidents between the two groups, including one instance in March when about 10 Cossacks forced a Bandido to pull over along Interstate 35 near Waco and attacked him with "chains, batons and metal pipes before stealing his motorcycle," WFAA reported. 
 That same day, a group of Bandidos confronted a Cossack member fueling up at a truck stop in Palo Pinto County, west of Fort Worth, the bulletin said. When the Cossack member refused to remove the Texas patch from his vest, the Bandidos hit him in the head with a hammer and stole it. 
 There are other documented instances of violence between the groups. 
 Last March, two members of the Bandidos were indicted in connection with the stabbing of two Cossacks at an Abilene steakhouse in March 2014. 
 And in December, three Bandidos were arrested for a shooting at a Fort Worth motorcycle bar that left one dead and two others wounded. Fort Worth police said the victims were known members of a criminal motorcycle gang. 
Add in that the Cossacks reportedly have some type of affiliation with Hell's Angels, and you have a recipe for ongoing trouble.

The Cossacks are not members of a confederation of biker gangs and groups that had a scheduled meeting at Twin Peaks on Sunday. The Cossacks apparently tried to crash the meeting, and somebody ran over somebody else's foot in the parking lot.

The officers believed to have actually fired at the bikers are being investigated, as is normal. Because of the biker worries, in what's not normal, but understandable, they're staying on duty during the investigation.

Understandable that they fired, as police report bikers had 30 or so guns. And, the nine killed, by whoever's guns, have now been identified.

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