
August 23, 2014

Your #GregAbbott movie text of the week is #CPRIT

"Thank" Greg Abbott for interrupting your movie.
As a number of people know, Greg Abbott hit a new barf-inducing low a few weeks back of asking supporters to text him from movies.
In a new twist, Abbott is taking his campaign to the movies. He is running an ad in two dozen movie theaters across the state, playing on every screen a film is being shown. The ad asks moviegoers to text the word “FREEDOM” to the campaign. The effort is aimed at collecting information the campaign can use to identify and boost turnout.
This combines three barf factors of the modern movie-going experience:
1. Ads before movies;
2. Political advertising in general today;
3. People using cellphones at movies.

That said, Wendy Davis' new campaign ad, tied with Rick Perry's seeming corruption-connected indictment for trying to stifle the Travis County DA's Public Integrity Unit and its looking at his "pay to play" on the Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas and more, is good timing.

So, obviously, your movie text of the week to Abbott is #CPRIT.

Davis needs to do a longer version of the ad, a one-minute version, to tie this to Perry's indictment.

And, again, non-Texans, pseudoliberal division, this crony capitalism is well known among Tea Party types as well as real liberals.

There's more of that, in detail, here:
“Looking into the state and federal campaign contributions made to the five politicians who have the most influence on the decisions made by the oversight committee (Perry, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, Speaker of the House Joe Straus, Attorney General Greg Abbott and Comptroller Susan Combs), one would find many instances of contributions made by the CEO’s, presidents, owners, board members and other relevant employees of organizations who received CPRIT grants,” the report noted.
And, this wasn't chump change:

“Members of these groups, whose combined haul was over $688 million in CPRIT funds, donated over $28 million to campaigns of those five politicians who all had a say in which groups received funding,” the report stated.
Nor is the largesse limited to CPRIT. The Texas Enterprise Fund and the Emerging Technology Fund are also "in play."

So, Wendy O. Williams needs to step it up. That ad is "nice," but it could be a whole lot more. Stop pulling your punches.

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