
January 17, 2014

Squirrel Hair endorses Don Huffines against John Carona in Metroplex race

Is Texas politics really at the point, beyond money-grubbing, that candidates in a state Senate primary need to seek and trot out endorsements from out-of-state politicians?

I guess so.

The "Squirrel Hair" in question is Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY [Jelly]), whom Don Huffines says is officially endorsing him in his Metroplex Senate primary race against incumbent John Carona.

It's obvious back-scratching. Per the Snooze, Huffines formed his pro-Ron Paul PAC in 2012.  Now, the son of the closet racialist offers the payback. (And, Aqua Buddha will surely use this chance to collect his own campaign donations in Dallas in his usual inimitable style.)

Another name for "liberal Republican," as Huffines calls Carona, is "less batshit crazy Republican." I don't pull the "R" lever in the voting booth at all, but, Carona would at least be tolerable.

Anyway, back to the out-of-state endorsements.

Another bit of GOP hypocrisy is at play here. Isn't it bogus to preach federalism, states' rights, etc., with the idea that each state is an individual entity, then have someone who is from a different state parachute in (and help you raise bucks at your fundraising dinner, surely) to endorse you?

Survey says?


Meanwhile, back to the race.

How long before we hit the $500K mark in a primary election for a non-statewide office for a non-fulltime job?

Probably not long, and the climb in campaign spending will probably grow along with the widening gap between the 1 and 99 percent. 

Yet another bit of hypocrisy is in old man Ron Paul's top 2012 donor.


  1. Dallas Dems might well consider voting in the March GOP primary just to assure we don't have another Tea Party PAC Man running in the general election.

    Behind an agenda plastered with a moral crusade for creation science and paranoia, Huffines is the vanguard for a new generation of Bob Perry and Koch Brothers style of buying political influence disguised as "Patriotism".

    You hear nothing about Texas policy from the Huff because what he's got in mind, he doesn't want heard. Better we never hear it from him in elected office.

  2. Dallas Dems may well consider voting in the March GOP primary for John Carona.

    The agenda that comes with Pac-man Don Huffines is the new generation of Bob Perry/Koch Brothers "buy all the government you can afford" crowd, but cloaked in a "patriotic" wrapper of things like creationism, gay bashing, and really sinister racism to gain a following from the "unwashed".

    Huffines can be dismissed as a nut job, but he's better laid to rest by voting him out of reach of office.

  3. Dallas Dems may well consider voting in the March GOP primary for John Carona.

    The agenda that comes with Pac-man Don Huffines is the new generation of Bob Perry/Koch Brothers "buy all the government you can afford" crowd, but cloaked in a "patriotic" wrapper of things like creationism, gay bashing, and really sinister racism to gain a following from the "unwashed".

    Huffines can be dismissed as a nut job, but he's better laid to rest by voting him out of reach of office.


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