
May 17, 2011

Dear America, dear GOP: there ARE third parties

A new Gallup poll shows a majority of Republicans want a third party, as shown below:

I note in reply:

Dear GOPers — there ARE third parties. Now, all you have to do is vote for them. In fact, there's already a "Religious Right" party in place for you. It's called the Constitution Party, and it's where Ron Paul should have run in 1988, since he's not a real libertarian. (Gary Johnson IS, and I wonder, in a GOP subplot, if he can best Paul.)

For non-social con types, Randians, etc., there is the Libertarian Party.

The poll graphic notes that it's the party out of power, specifically, out of White House power, that bitches about the need for a third party. And, yes, the American system is geared against third parties in a variety of ways, organically, and the organic impediments are amplified by both halves of the two-party duopoly.

Nonetheless, consistent, conscientious third-party voting, by enough people for long enough, can force change. It has in the past, with populists, etc. of the late 1800s eventually leading the Dems to nominate William Jennings Bryan in 1896 and the GOP to counter with Teddy Roosevelt for Veep four years later.

The same holds true for bitching Dems.

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