
April 27, 2011

Why Obama's two-year wait?

David Dayen at FiredogLake tackles that issue. I have some additional thoughts.

I agree with the issue of "debasing" a president. It's all a matter of trust. It's not like Richard Nixon lying about tapes. It is not even Bill Clinton seeking to hide details of his anatomy.

Rather, it seems that because a President of the United States is black, and has a weird Muslim name, he is therefore inherently untrustworthy to a significant sector of the United States.

Again, per Dayen, that means we're NOT a "postracial society."

Surely, that too is part of why Obama held off on this step. He surely wanted to believe that even whites who weren't latte-sipping Volvo drivers had "evolved" since 1954.

And, truth is, many have not, including members of my own family and people younger than me than I have run into at previous newspapers.

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