
December 18, 2010

Charles Blow, blowhard

The New York Times columnist Charles Blow is often OK, though seldom of much depth.

Today, he's not even that.

Blow reads the riot act to left-liberals, etc., who threaten to undermine the Democratic party, hand political victories to Republicans, etc. It's a screed that could have been written straight out of the Obama White House, and in fact, I wonder if it was.

Along the way, Blow perpetuates stereotypes such as left-liberalism is largely confined to the coasts (without talking about trying to educate the heartland better — Blow seriously needs to read "What's the Matter with Kansas"), and then gets worse, when he talks about whether a "purging" is imminent or not.

First, Mr. Blow-hard, Democrats don't have the balls to purge anybody.

Second, if there were a purge, Mr. Preznit Kumbaya would try to purge the left-liberals you demonize.

Third, you're right Obama doesn't have a progressive base. I "saw through him" three full years ago.

Fourth, if the progressives really aren't that numerous, how can they be the ones doing the "purging"? Talk about poor logic.

Finally, all of this is why I'm not a Democrat.

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