
October 17, 2010

Tommy Teapot Friedman gets stupid on China

So what if he and others don't like the name. It's clear, from this column, that he's a panda-hugger who thinks China has to offer social liberty at some point for its economy to truly grow in the 21st century.

Says who, Mr. My Head is Flat? The same type of people like you who, two years ago, believed in the rationality of Homo economicus?

Here's an example of his latest bloviating:
But what would happen if China had 600 million villagers on Twitter? In a country that already has thousands of protests every week over land seizures and corruption, its system probably could not handle that much unrestricted bottom-up energy.
Really? Iran did quite well handling its Twittering, even getting people like you to believe all these Engligh-language Tweets were the sign of revolution nigh at hand.

What a fucking doofus.

China is the world's No. 1 country at cyberespionage, and it would be brought to its knees by more people Tweeting?

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