
October 23, 2010

Peggy Nooners lies through her TP teeth

Peggy Noonan lying through her teeth? Nothing new there. Lying through her teeth on behalf of the tea party types? Not a lot new there.

The twist? Given her relation ship with Poppy Bush, she uses this op-ed as a vehicle to kick Bush pere in the nuts too.

Lie No 1 (or more than that, if disaggrataged):
In a practical sense, the tea party saved the Republican Party in this cycle by not going third-party. It could have. The broadly based, locally autonomous movement seems to have made a rolling decision, group by group, to take part in Republican primaries and back Republican hopefuls.

"Broadly based" and "locally autonomous"? Let me call Dick Armey and the Koch brothers on that one.

Part of the social and cultural reality behind the tea party-GOP establishment split has been the sheer fact that tea partiers live in non-D.C. America.

Lie 2, indirectly:
I know and respect some of the establishmentarians, but after dinner, on the third glass of wine, when they get misty-eyed about Reagan and the old days, they are not, I think, weeping for him and what he did but for themselves and who they were.

The lie here? Nooners pretending she's not part of that establishment herself.

Kicking Bush Jr in the nuts?
The tea party did something the Republican establishment was incapable of doing: It got the party out from under George W. Bush.

I'm sure she loved that.

And, actual bit of truth:
The tea party, with its energy and earnestness, restored the GOP to itself.

Yep, restored it to its self.

Oh, and as for the claim that neither the tea party or the GOP is actually racist, let's talk to some Washington state Supreme Court justices.
Again, Dick Armey ... lives where, Nooners?

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