
October 06, 2010

Oldsters, Obama and re-election

Here's another major contributor to Obama's "enthusiasm gap," and a reason he had better figure out WTF to do to seriously lower unemployment by the end of next year: the degree to which unemployment has fallen heavily on older Americans.

Here's a thumbnail description of Rick Rembold, age 56, from Mishawaka, Ind.:
Rembold calls himself a Democrat -- "not the peace sign, hit-the-bong type," he hastens to add, but "a tear-off-your-head-and-shit-down-your-neck Democrat." He can't stomach Glenn Beck or talk radio here in the Land of Limbaugh, and with equal zeal he watches MSNBC's Rachel Maddow and FX's "Sons of Anarchy," a gritty, violent series about outlaw motorcycle gangs.

These are the people Obama needs to win to hold Midwestern swing states.

Unless unemployment is below 8.0 percent by, say, March 2012, Obama can probably kiss Pennsylvania, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri and probably Wisconsin good-bye.

Beyond Obama's re-election chances, though, the story itself is just plain sad and scary. And, not totally "gotten" at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Obama doesn't do "I feel your pain."

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