
September 01, 2010

Why TPM will always be an Obamiac blog

Here's the skinny on Talking Points Memo publisher Josh Marshall's latest case of Obama suck-up-itis:

(O)nce you get past the simple fact that the terrible unemployment rate has a lot to do with the Dems' awful electoral prospects, it's very hard to make any definitive statements about why they're struggling. There are numerous theories, many of which are plausible, but very few of which have a really solid factual basis behind them. So everybody picks the theory that validates their assumptions.

Dems and Obama's poll numbers are so bad because ...

Republicans: Terrible policies and he's probably a Muslim.

Right Democrats: No CEOs in the administration. And why does he keep getting into the black thing?

Down-the-Line Obamaites: Economy's bad. Nothing he could do. Give it a rest.

Left Democrats: He wasn't liberal or tough enough and me and my eight friends are deeply disillusioned.

To his credit, Marshall has posted one reader's e-mail response. Nonetheless, this level of flippancy from a man who continues to post White House slide shows and who, like the mainstream media, relies on anonymous administration sources, isn't surprising.

Now, also to be fair, TPM won't be 100 percent Obamiac. And, it may not even be as Obamiac as Washington Monthly under Steve Benen. But, it will remain enough that way, no, too much that way.

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