
September 26, 2010

Ken Burns' 10th inning? Selig would call it an All-Star tie

Breaking a promise never to do a sequel on one of his documentaries, Ken Burns is doing a “10th inning” follow-up to his hugely successful “Baseball.” Yahoo Sports’ Jeff Passan provided an overview of the documentary’s subjects (steroids an obvious one), a day in his work and more some time back.

Burns actually is having two segments on PBS, so I assume that means four hours, not two. That would be good, if he had done more with it.

But, as Jim Caple notes, he didn't, starting with his failure to interview living players. I totally agree with Caple of the inanity of having a Doris Kearns Goodwin on instead of actual players. Hell, Bob Herbert, of recent column fame on the death of Bobby Thomson, would be better than the pompous twit George Will. And, if we're putting labels on names, how do we know Goodwin isn't plagiarizing?

And, here's some less serious, but still notable, trends that Burns overlooked.

Also, if you're a Cardinals' fan, don't expect much about the team, whether Albert Pujols as an individual or as a team, breaking a WS streak in 2006. (Do expect to be fodder for the Bosox in 2004, of course, since Boston and the New York Steinbrenners drive much of the four hours.)

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