
September 16, 2010

Geithner fiddles while senators burn at China

The Senate is raking Treasury Secretary Lil Timmy Geithner over the coals, and rightfully so, for not doing more about Chinese currency issues. At the same time, Chris Dodd, D-Pompous, while noting that every administration from Reagan on has kowtowed to China, ignores that every Congress in same said time frame has willingly swallowed presidential administration lies about "action."

Meanwhile, the administration is taking action on two lesser issues; but, that's not enough. In that story, an economic analyst notes that getting China to revalue its currency could create 500K jobs here and cut our trade deficit in half.

1 comment:

  1. LOL love the title.

    The whole group of them is just blowing smoke. They are all impotent at this point to do anything. The one who dances is the one on the strings. China is the one with the ability to pull the strings now because we have given them the power to do so with all the debt they hold of ours.


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