
September 19, 2010

The FDA officially sells out to Big Food

How can a GMO salmon which not only has growth hormone from a different species of salmon but also a gene from a different genus of fish entirely not be "materially" different from other salmon?
The AquAdvantage salmon has been given a gene from the ocean pout, an eel-like fish, and a growth hormone from a Chinook salmon.

When it's the FDA, in thrall to corporate giants from Big Pharma, through Big Tobacco, to Big Ag and Big Food, making the call, on what's "materially" different or not.

Doesn't Big Biz believe in the "marketplace"? Well, include the "marketplace of ideas." Label stuff as GMO, at least if it includes genes from another species, and certainly if from another genus, or higher up the taxonomical ladder.

And, then, try to market it.

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