
May 23, 2010

Ann Althouse defends Texas SBOE, history distortions

Under the guise of claiming a Washington Post story on the new State Board of Education standards are bad history itself made quotational errors, libertarian-dabbler ditz Ann Althouse defends the SBOE.

Well, I didn't go through all her critique, but she has two OBVIOUS problems herself:
1. On the issue of 1960s Southern Democrats and civil rights. LBJ was a Southern/Texas Democratic president who pushed for civil rights. A leading defender of civil rights on SCOTUS was Southern Democrat Hugo Black. And there were others. It's not just that this issue makes today's Dems mad, it's that it's designed to do so, via obfuscation. (And, Ann, I think you know that, but, I'm not totally sure. How does someone like you get to your status? The idea that America is meritocratic is refuted.)

2. The correctness of Venona transcripts in no way vindicates McCarthy or McCarthyist tactics. That's such an illogical "fail," even for you ...
That said, another poster nailed her in an even bigger error. The WaPost story WAS directly quoting ... from the original March meeting of the SBOE, and make that clear enough that Ann just drove past it.

And, beyond that, her stance, especially on the civil rights issue has brought all sorts of Southern "Lost Cause" supporters out of the woodwork, denying slavery was the ultimate and primary cause of the Civil War. Now, Althouse doesn't support Rand Paul's reasoning, but neither does she appear to call out these posters.

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