
April 09, 2010

It's the Southern Nutbar Leadership Conference!

First, are Joseph Lowry, Martin Luther King Jr., etc, rolling over in their graves at this blatant and offensive ripoff of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in the name of the Southern Republican Leadership Conference?

Second, when Newt Gingrich is your voice of reason, you know you're in for Grade AA salted nuttery. Of course, La. Gov. Bobby Jindal is more sensible yet. But, that's not hard to do.

Third, when Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman get together, nuttery is sure to reduplicate, as is mangled syntax and mangled thought. So, Ms. "Nopey Nopey," you're the party of "no," but you're not? Oh, and like Shrub, yes, learn how to pronounce "nuclear."

Fouth, when will GOP talking pieholes stop ripping off 1980s anthem rock songs for theme music? Survivor ought to sue for character defamation.

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