
March 07, 2010

JPII sainthood takes a step back

I think it helps, when a would-be Catholic saint allegedly performs a miraculous healing, that the person should stay healed.

You've got a bit of a fail here, John Paul II. Maybe Herr Ratzinger will get the Vatican spin machine cranked up.


  1. The "miracle that wouldn't" is interesting reading. However, your two-bit commentary about "Herr Ratzinger" was bigoted sewer talk. Oh well, some gotta get off on whatever they can...

  2. Ahh, I'm "crushed" by the "sewer" talk claim. His last name IS Ratizinger, and he is of Germanic heritage, is he not?

    As well as having been JPII's mentally quasi-thuggish enforcer of doctrine. And, since JPII created more saints than in all previous Catholic history, well Herr Ratzinger will certainly want to "canonize one — the Gipper."

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Also, it looks like Herr Ratzinger has some German sex abuse fish to fry, too.


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