
July 06, 2009

When do we get Biden gaffe damage control?

The Obama White House has hinted that Vice President Joe Biden's apparent giving Israel a green light to bomb Iran was not exactly that, and said nothing new in terms of foreign policy.

Interestingly, neither Times nor AP connected Biden’s foot in mouth to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s request earlier today, via CNN, for talks with Obama. Even apart from that, the sensitivity of Iran right now made this a dumb comment in general.

Meanwhile, Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says any such U.S. attack could be “very destabilizing.”

Mark Lynch, aka Abu Aardvark, weighs in at Foreign Policy on just how bad a gaffe this is.

He adds that a Times of London story, with little sourcing, saying the Saudis were giving Israel a similar green light adds to the need for Obama Administration damage control.

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