
July 05, 2009

Washington Post publisher passes salon buck

In a special letter to the public, Washington Post publisher Katherine Weymouth, granddaughter of THE Katherine, pretty totally dodges responsibility for the Post’s recent idea of “pay-for-play” salons to bring together Post editorial staffers alongside White House staff and lobbyists, etc.

That’s totally contrary to what she told New York Times reporter David Carr just a day earlier, claiming she took full responsibility for the fiasco.

Carr notes this:
Ms. Weymouth’s excuse — that the salon brochure “completely misrepresented what we were trying to do” didn’t track with many reporters, who have already been contending with cutbacks at the paper.

That “explanation” she holds on to in her public letter:
The flier was not approved by me or newsroom editors, and it did not accurately reflect what we had in mind.

Boy, the Politico will have fun with this!

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