
July 07, 2009

Palin won’t stop lying or being ignorant

In an interview with ABC, after her resignation, she did both.

In her continuing passive-aggressive hunt for fame, she said she can’t believe all the media hype over her “I’ll resign soon” speech.

Adding to her passive-aggressive fame-courting, the Anchorage Daily News says each major media outfit had to interview her separately, 10 minutes at a time.

Andrew Purdum was right about her narcissism. Maybe that’s part of why she went to six colleges.

She also lied again, to the ADN, about “no wrongdoing” from all the ethics investigation. Guess fines don’t count?

She then said, to ABC, if she were president, the White House “department of law” would protect her from baseless allegations.

The full interview has other babbling, too.

And, her stupidity factor? If you’re giving multiple separate interviews, that’s just more chances to stick your foot in your mouth.

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