
July 05, 2009

FBI – no Palin investigation

Not just a denial of such a thing, but a categorical denial.

Hence, threats by Palin and her attorney, Thomas Van Flein, to get tough with the media, including bloggers, if they kept running stories about a possible feds investigation into the hockey rink to nowhere.

That said, though, the FBI is far and away from the only federal group with investigative powers, though I’m hard-put to see who else would be involved if it’s an issue of alleged construction kickbacks, sweetheart deals, etc.

It’s also funny that The Quitter with a Twitter to has a Twitter parodist.

More seriously, though, what is behind The Quitter with a Twitter’s quitting, if not the Eff-Bee-Eye?

She’s not doing it for the good of Alaska, except her own warped interpretation of that.

Maybe, as some people have noted how thin she is, she’s finally become burned out from being in wayyyyy over her head, just as governor of a state with less than 700,000 people. Combine that with ADD or whatever her other “issue” is, and that’s about as good of an explanation as any this side of my joking comments about her either being gay or else knocked up by Uncle Fester Cheney.

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