
July 06, 2009

Dallas 'tea party' short of promoter hopes - PR spin starts

After the Southfork Ranch Fourth of July anti-government ‘tea parry’ was promoted on everything this side of Facebook — and on Facebook, a turnout of just 25-35,000 is clearly disappointing to Debbie Meyers and other promoters, as well as the people claiming media bias against the still-conservative (on its op-ed pages) Dallas Morning News.

The heat? 101F is not anywhere out of the norm for the Fourth of July in Dallas. Perhaps “tea partiers” have become soft and mushy due to conservative rot, compared to their “good old days” ancestors.

The Snooze came out too early? Eff you; a paper is not a PR organ and you can’t dictate at what time within an event it choose to come out.

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