
June 12, 2009

Obama wants gay couples at back of bus

Yessir, Just.Another.Politician.™ doesn’t really extend civil rights to gay marriage; in fact, his administrastion officially opposes that idea.

Obama’s Department of Justice, per the link, is officially on record in a federal suit as supporting the Defense of Marriage Act, one of the more craven bill-signings of the Clinton Administration, and officially rejecting the idea that the “full faith and credit” clause of the U.S. Constitution requires states to recognize each others’ marriage laws, regardless of gender and sexual orientation of the two married persons.

Meanwhile, the Obama Administration is being chickenshit in another way, insisting that Congress take the lead in overturning DOMA. On environmental issues and more, we’ve seen that this is The One’s M.O. No leadership from this White House.

John Aravosis at AmericaBlog, already excoriated over other issues by pseudoliberals at Kos for taking Obama to task, adds that Obama is lying in other ways, too, namely, claiming that DOMA doesn’t deny gay partners any equality under the law.

And, at another link, which itself has a link to the Obama DOJ official brief, we see that Obama says DOMA saves money, is consistent with equal protection under the law, and more, including claiming the right to marriage is not a fundamental right.

The Team Obama illogic is stunning.

First and foremost, if marriage is not a fundamental right, then why do we even have a Defense of Marriage Act? And, why are you so worried about protecting this act? Even to the point of using conservatives' rational-review scrutiny standard?

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