
February 09, 2009

Will Obama Admin defend BushCo renditions?

Given that President Barack Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, has so far not withdrawn a BushCo request that an appeals court dismiss a lawsuit against CIA air flight itinerary coordinator Jeppesen Dataplan, so far, it looks like the answer to the headline is, sadly, yes.

Both the New York Times and LA Times editorial boards have asked the new administration to change position, but to no avail.

That surely relates to the coolness of Obama to prosecuting BushCo members, or even investigating them.

UPDATE: The answer to the rhetorical question is No; Obama supports rendition AND supports Bush’s “aggressive” idea of state secrets.

And, this isn't just a question of Obama's Justice Department not being "up to speed" yet.

In fact, DOJ lawyer, Doug Letter said BushCo positions on the state secrets claim had been, actively reviewed and vetted.

Just to make sure she understood correctly, Circuit Judge Mary M. Schroeder asked:
“The change in administration has no bearing?”

And, Letter repeated a No response.

Read Greenwald for much more on this issue.

Once again, it’s Change He’s Trying to Force Us to Believe In.

And, waiting for all the Obamiacs to speak about how "the good is NOT the enemy of the better," etc., all I hear right now is... crickets.

Let me quote you all just one sentence from Greenwald:
It will be extremely difficult for even the most loyal Obama followers to deny that this was an active and conscious decision on the part of the Obama DOJ to embrace one of the most extreme abuses of the Bush presidency.

And, that's why I'm hearing crickets right now.

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