
December 02, 2008

Guess it WASN'T about Iraq after all, was it?

Contrary to Obama's lies

Jeremy Scahill states the obvious on Obama's foreign policy appointments and his half-truths about the importance of the Iraq War as a campaign issue.

Scahill reminds us that (contrary to Chris Hitchens' rant, although that was itself halfway spot-on, contrary to Josh Marshall and other MSLBs circling the wagons) this is about more than Hillary Clinton.

Remember a vice-presidential nominee named Joe Biden? Remember how HE voted on Iraq?

In short, Obama LIED (sorry, Kool-Aid drinkers, no other word for it), about the importance of the right decision on Iraq in the first presidential debate. Obama LIED about how important that was to him the weekend before the Democratic convention, when he tapped Biden.

Guess what, Kool-Aid drinkers? We haven't even gotten to the official start of four years of Kool-Aid season.

In Scahill's column (and maybe this is why Josh Marshall doesn't like British newspapers - they expose him and other MSLBs for what they are), Max Boot gets it right when he says there's not a lot of diff between neoliberalism and neoconservativism.

It's going to take some people many glasses of Kool-Aid before they admit that.

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