
December 03, 2008

California Lege weighs in on Prop. 8

Both the California Assembly and Senate, in separate measures, are considering resolutions indicating their sense that Prop. 8 was a revision to the California Constitution, as opposed to an voter-driven amendment, which should have required that the state legislature review the proposed change and vote on a 2/3 margin to release it to the ballots for popular vote.

That said, can I say for the record that Der Gobernator, Arnold Schwarzenegger, is a big fat fricking hypocrite on this issue?

First, he vetoes not just one but two legistlative attempts at legalizing gay marriage in the state. Then, after the California Supreme Court says, “Ahhhnold, you’re wrong,” and anti-gay rights folks introduce Prop. 8 in response, THEN he says he agrees with the Supreme Court.

OTOH, if the legislature’s bill had succeeded, Prop. 8 supporters could probably make a stronger argument that their measure wasn’t a revision.

On the other hand to THAT, though, it might be harder for them their case against a legislative vote rather than a judicial ruling.

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