
October 02, 2008

Vice presidential debate blogging

Biden definitely ahead in debate demeanor, engagement with camera, and more (as well as coherence, of course)

My overall grade? Biden B/B-plus. Palin C-minus/D-plus. Her post-debate demeanor makes her sound like she's a little-girl in a big candy store.

Oh, yes, Ifill gets a C. (Retrospectively, Jim Lehrer gets a B, and Tom Brokaw, given some of your recent comments, you are under scrutiny and on the clock right now for the next presidential debate.

8:06 Multiple Palin lies – suspended campaign, bipartisanship, etc.

8:07 Biden uses the Palin opening.

8:08 Oh my fucking god, Palin winked at the camera.
I call Reverse Sexism

8:10 Palin brings out every cliche short of "Hail Mary."

Then "darn right" ? is she running for sheriff? Later, "bless their hearts." Now, she's running for East Texas meemaw or waitress?

8:12 Palin lies again about Obama's tax plans.

8:14 Palin admits she's not going to answer questions straight up. That was coached, after Biden called her out on that.

8:18 Another Palin lie -- that Obama is mandating health care.

What do state lines have to do with health insurance? Close to jumping the shark.

"Redistribution" is her line not McCain's or her debate coaches.

8:20 Biden: "I don't know where to start."

8:21 Biden talks about McCain-Palin "ultimate bridge to nowhere." Wipe that smirk off your face, Palin, you just got punked.
Note: I like Biden going hardcore on her.

8:22 Biden does verbal judo on Ifill question.

8:23 Biden, I think has better camera presence.

8:25 Uhh, Palin? Mad Jack voted FOR the Senate bailout, which has no regulation of Wall Street.

8:26 Biden seems smart in speaking directly to the people, with Twisted Sister's continual smirk.

8:27 Biden glides by question about 2007 bankruptcy bill, with Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13 slide. His first semi-truth of substance. But, he uses that to transition to foreclosure adjustment by judges.

8:30-32 Palin first shark jumper -- twice reverses cause and effect on climate change issues, then claims (cutting through MASSIVE gibberish) that you have to find a solution without finding the problem.

8:34. Palin lies more, indirectly, about the amount of hydrocarbons Alaska has.

8:35 Palin lies again, in not counting "alt energy" at a resource.

8:37 Gay rights -- Biden lies on gay rights. No gay marriage is still discrimination.

8:38 Palin lies much more. Telling a lesbian friend that she shouldn't be able to do everything Palin can is big discrimination. She then throws red meat to the Religious Right.

8:38 Biden panders. And lies. Gay marriage is not a church matter, as state laws decide marriage.

8:45 Both wrong on Iran vs. Pakistan. A seriously destabilized Pakistan is worse than a nuclear Iran. Two panders on that.

8:47 Palin mispronounces "nuclear." Then, goes into a whole mishmash of foreign policy stupidity and lies.
Obama never said he'd meet directly with anybody. As for psychoanalyzing foreign leaders, we could start with George W. Bush.
Then, the bullshit "they hate America" line. No, they hate America occupying Islamic holy places, or giving Zionism a blank check, or other things.

Sidebar on surge not transfering to Afghanistan:

Oh, per Talking Points Memo, Gen. David McKiernan (not McClellan, we’re not at Antietam Creek), says “Iraq is no Afghanistan. He goes into detail:
During a news conference yesterday, McKiernan described Afghanistan as “a far more complex environment than I ever found in Iraq.” The country's mountainous terrain and rural population, its poverty and illiteracy, its 400 major tribal networks and history of civil war all make for unique challenges, he said.

“The word I don't use for Afghanistan is 'surge,' ” McKiernan emphasized, saying that what is required instead is a “sustained commitment” to a counterinsurgency effort that could last many more years and would ultimately require a political, not military, solution.

8:49 Biden almost viscerally disparaging in response.

8:52 Palin lies about Israel. Peace-seeking? Not so much. Embassy in Jerusalem? Blatant pandering. At least she didn't talk about the red heifer needed to bring on the rapture.

8:55 Palin claims "finger-pointing" at BushCo undercuts claim of "politics of change."
Biden: "Past is prologue" in linking McCain to Bush.

8:59 Biden excellent stylistically on nuclear proliferation. Uses repetition for rhetorical value. Then transitions from what McCain is supposedly against to what Obama is for.

9:00 Biden "sigh" during Palin comment.... will that tell?

9:03ff Biden does her best to obscure "nuance" on Iraq. But, this is a risk Obama took in picking Biden. Palin's wrong, but, it was a good shot. And, with her "before it before you were against it" dig, referencing back to Kerry, she may carry some water on that issue.

9:09 Palin winked AGAIN! What next, hiking your skirt from behind the podium at the end at the debate.

9:11 THe "Main Street talk" from Palin is grating, at the least, to me. Don't know how it will play out in general.

9:13 Ifill asks "heartbeat away" question; why didn't she ask about McCain's unreleased medical records?

9:14?? "shout-out"? Trailer trash mom? Barbie mom? A younger Gennifer Flowers with tattoed-on lipliner?

9:16 WTF? Why is Gwen Ifill asking the Cheney vice presidential interpretation question? Gwen, you're getting graded tonight by me, just like both candiates, now.

9:21 Biden types Palin's "Main Street" claim.

9:22 Palin's "maverick" claim is wearing thin here, too.

9:23 Biden PERFECT in holding the "NO MAVERICK" riposte in his holster until near the end of the debate, where Palin has little chance to respond.

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