
October 15, 2008

Presidential debate blogging - Debate III

Candidate grades are here.

How much of THESE:

did we see tonight?

I think it's a no-brainer that Obama simply needs to be Muhammad Ali and play rope-a-dope by leaning back, absorbing blows without letting them tell, and counterpunching when the time is right.

In the "knights of the round table" format, Obama may have a chance of bringing out Mad Jack, especially since McCain is the one who has to come out swinging.

8:02 McCain makes at least an effort at eye contact. (Obama looks more sincere later).

8:04 McCain attacking Paulson, going for “maverick” stance.

8:06 Obama reminds audience that McCain voted FOR bailout.
Then does a good “I agree but I disagree” with McCain’s mortgage plan. And says his plan is broader.

8:11 McCain trying to pin "socialist radical" label on Obama. I would guess it might have a bit of effect, but not much.

8:13 Schieffer is right... good question. We do not have the money.

8:17 Obama does good job of rejecting idea of “across the board freeze” and scalpel vs. hatchet.

8:20 McCain lie No. 1 – state-level “across-the-board freezes” are NOT across-the-board freezes. They exempt many actual and alleged “essential services.”

8:21 McCain – I’m not Bush… can Obama provoke McCain at some point?

8:22 Obama stakes himself as also a “maverick.” And says even Fox News agrees with him on tax issue. Obama seems lighter but yet serious.

8:24 Schieffer asks about campaign nastiness issue – and the “look him in the eye” moment.

8:25ff McCain goes back to “town hall” idea and blames Obama’s rejecting that.

Lie No. 2 McCai goes back to whacking at John Lewis statements, and claims he has always repudiated GOP negativity. NOT TRUE, per the Virginia GOP chair’s unrepudiated statements.

8:28 Obama’s turn – Cites polls thast 2/3 vs. 1/3 on who thinks has the negative campaign. Rejects the town hall idea, and calls up McCain campaign quote about economic policy being a political loser.

8:31 Obama shows just how he DID repudiate Lewis.

8:33 McCain "a few people like that" at every campaign event? I can't think that will fly well with independents. Then, repeats Lie No. 2 about "repudiating everything."

8:33 Three more McCain lies. McCain throws “Hail Mary” with Ayers and ACORN. “Worst voter fraud in history”? Count Ayers as Lie 3, and ACORN as lies 4-5, both for what ACORN is NOT doing and for Obama’s association with them.

8:37 Obama does good counterpunch on Ayers. Then, on ACORN, good distancing.

8:39 McCain – “all the issues.”
Then, “my campaign is about the issues.” Obama laughs… chuckles in the background.

I know time was an issue, but I wonder why Obama didn't bring up Keating Five ... or Gordon Liddy. Forget? Think not important? Or want to hold that for ads only?

8:40 Veep question – excellent!

8:42 Biden defended for policy issues;

8:43 Palin a “role model to women”? Gas pipeline? Even as Russian oil bigwigs are in Alaska as we speak? Old boy network and cronyism?

8:44 Obama’s non-judgmentalism on Palin good, then does a bit more judo.

8:46 Schieffer asks about energy

Duplicity by both by focusing on “Middle East and Venezuela” for oil. Oil is fungible.

8:47 McCain has a bit of a NAFTA comment, but today’s state of the economy prevents him from going down that road. McCain then laundry-lists alt energy sources.

8:49 Obama: “We can’t drill our way out of the problem.” Justifies govt “investment” in Big Three.

Obama then: BushCo with McCain support – “Any trade agreement is a good trade agreement.” Mentions lack of enviro and labor standards. Cites South Korea deal.

8:51 McCain “Obama has never traveled south of our border.” Not even with Bill Ayers?

That said, McCain voted for NAFTA and WTO; Obama gets a pass from not being in the Senate.

8:52 GOOD for Obama on assassinated Columbian labor leaders.
“We have to stand for human rights and make sure people aren’t being targeted for exercising their human rights.”
Then notes he voted FOR Peru deal.

And, that said, I disagree with Big Three loan guarantees. NO, Obama. They’ve been irresponsible for 35 years.

8:55 McCain.. Obama is Herbert Hoover?? Will that play well with Florida seniors, or will it make McCain look old?

8:56 Schieffer on healthcare

8:57ff Obama doing his best to explain a complicated issue in the format of a time-challenged debate. That said, his lack of a mandate means his program won’t work.

8:58 McCain… says Obama will penalize small businesses.

9:03 McCain ... mandates, big government, etc.

9:065 Schieffer on courts, etc.

9;06 McCain says no litmus test. His one possible real appeal to independents, but not believable in light of the debate as a whole.

9:09 Obama – right to privacy should not be subject to state referendum. Other good comments on this issue. "Nobody favors abortion."

Sorry, I’ve been a bit distracted… in an online chatroom and talking to my best friend on the phone. But, catching up from other blogs, I see McCain basically jumped the shark on the abortion issue. Far more than he did with Ayers, even more than he did with ACORN...

Accusing Obama of letting babies die. Sure, that will play to the base, but I think that has to turn off independents who aren't dyed-in-the-wool pro-lifers.

Here’s the background to the McCain bomb-throwing. And, when McCain is borrowing a page from Alan Keyes, it’s not very good.

FactCheck, while broadly agreeing with the NYT on the 2001 and 2002 versions of the Illinois bills, is a bit more critical of Obama’s 2003 vote explanation.


McCain – ultimately goes with “service” and riffing on military record.

Obama “Can’t afford failed policies and politics.”
After that, though? Too wonky…. And not passionate enough at the close. Especially with him having the last word.

McCain did look much more personable during this debate, especially the post-debate handshake, than the first two. And, he was more angry than Obama, but I don't think quite as angry as some bloggers claim.

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