
October 09, 2008

Liveblogging Cornyn-Noriega debate I

So far, Noriega has had some decent talking points but not inspiration. Cornyn got called out on using tax cuts for rich as part of paying for bailout, and whiffed.

Libertarian Yvonne Schick? A lot of people say her time in the debate hurts Noriega by taking time away from him. But, it may help if she is halfway intelligent, in taking votes away from Cornyn. OTOH, she's thrown out an occasional doozy.

And, she's a Scientologist to boot? Whooooo.....

8:23 Noriega both good and bad on immigration, as far as political play.

The good? Talking about how the Cornyn plan would take private property from Americans.

The bad? Talking about expanding visas.

8:26 Cornyn lies about Medicare fraud, and doesn’t put it into context of fraud in private insurance, where fraud is higher.

As for the S-CHIP lack of sign-ups, that’s an issue that’s ultimately at Rick Perry’s feet. And Noriega is whiffing on chance after chance to ion the tail of Perry as well as Bush to Cornyn’s backside.

That said, Cornyn is right that Medicare is in shakier straits by far than Social Security. And, speaking of which...

8:32 Noriega nails Cornyn on wanting to privatize Social Security in light of the Dow's bleeding the last couple of weeks.

Good question on gun shows and sales loophole – well-phrased. Schick doesn’t describe how closing this loophole would somehow infringe that right.

Noriega schwaffles and panders to Texas chapter of NRA.

Cornyn stresses his Texas AG fence.

8:36 Patriot Act – Schick is right… repeal it. Noriega’s “review” it is weak.

8:40 Fairness Doctrine? Another good question.

Cornyn goes in the tank for Big Media. Schick is hard-core libertarian. Noriega twists answer to Cornyn opposing journalism shield law.

8:42 War on Drugs – David Jones asking another damn good question.

Noriega – I’m law and order from my border service. Cornyn – I was Texas AG, remember! Schick – End the WOD.

8:45 Earmarks – Cornyn – I’m seeing the light of transparency. Schick – cut government. Noriega – I oppose; why did bailout have to have sugar attached, rather than homeowner help.

8:47 Public campaign finance – Schick – take a guess. Noriega – “get money out of politics,” then talks about money in judiciary, which is a state not a federal issue. Cornyn – against.

David Jones then tanks with a “wow, Barack Obama” question for Noriega, as wild cards go to one candidate, no follow-up.

Schick asked on Bob Barr support. Supports most, but disagrees with him “dissing” Ron Paul, when it was actually the other way around.

Cornyn – what to do w/Mexican drug cartels? Do what we can, but Mexico is sovereign.

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