
September 21, 2008

Palin to stay on ice for Veep debate

The McCain campaign demanded, and the Obama campaign agreed, to a kid-gloves vice—presidential debate. Here’s your Schmuck Talk Express™ BS of the day:
McCain advisers said they were only somewhat concerned about Ms. Palin’s debating skills compared with those of Mr. Biden, who has served six terms in the Senate, or about his chances of tripping her up. Instead, they say, they wanted Ms. Palin to have opportunities to present Mr. McCain’s positions, rather than spending time talking about her experience or playing defense.

But, why did B.O. agree to it? The story says his camp was worried about Biden gaffes.

That said, Obama gets a win in putting domestic policy on the last debate. McCain wanted foreign policy last.

This will, or should, more than negate limiting Palin’s exposure. By the time of the third debate, the Paulson-Bernanke-Bush financial bailout will have been thoroughly aired, and, if Passive Pelosi™ and Land-Swap Harry Reid have found any cojones during that time, Obama will have plenty of ways to hammer McCain over the head.

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