
April 23, 2008

Roy Innis becomes a bigger tool on global warming

It’s pathetic that Roy Innis, leader of the basically-defunct and nepotistic Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), is so willing to become a a tool of global warming denialists. But, per an e-mail I got earlier today, that is exactly what he has done:
Roy Innis, long-time leader of one of America’s leading civil rights organizations, told a group of Utah business leaders today that Utah “will be a big loser” if climate change legislation pending in Congress is enacted into law.

“The price of gasoline in Utah could easily double from the climate change bill that they are now discussing in Washington, D.C.,” he told the Utah Business Coalition. “That will hurt every family, farm and business in this state. It will especially hurt those on the bottom rungs of the economic ladder, which is what concerns me most.”

“With oil prices now surpassing $120 a barrel, I am simply outraged that the congress, and politicians in Utah, are even considering proposals from the radical environmental groups that would further constrict energy supply like the climate bill now in Congress. That will only cause prices to skyrocket further,” Innis said.

“According to a recent study, some of the worst damage in the nation will be brought down upon the state of Utah,” he said. “This state could easily flip from one of America's most productive economies into one of America's most damaged economies if the Lieberman-Warner bill is passed.”

The study cited by Innis was recently done by the highly regarded Science Applications International Corporation. …

“Too many government leaders have bought into the predictions of environmental Armageddon that we hear from radical environmental groups,” said Innis. “Plans to stop global warming by limiting domestic energy development will devastate Utah’s economy and disproportionately hurt the poor and minorities in this state.”

Innis called on Utah business leaders to join him in “the next great civil rights battle,” which he said is to fight regressive environmental policies and increased energy costs.

”Our government leaders today need the same moral courage we had in the 1960s. We cannot allow environmental radicals to pass economic Jim Crow laws on their way to ending the American dream.”

OK, let’s unpack Innis’ shitload of vitriol and get to what’s true and not.

First, SAIC is NOT “highly respected,” but is rather an insider in the largely right-wing military-industrial establishment. And, it has a HUGE reputation as a global warming denialist and willing to shill for obscurantist research work on this subject. After all, it founded “The Science and Public Policy Institute (SPPI), a man made climate change skeptic organization, formerly the Center for Science and Public Policy.”

Second, plenty of other studies have shown that a real attempt to address global warming will create all sorts of jobs.

Third, even more studies have demonstrated the health costs of global warming, and how THOSE will likely fall more on poorer people.

Fourth, to the degree we’re already seeing effects of global warming, food price increases fall more on poor people.

Which leads to the final question:

Roy, just how much is SAIC and/or the Utah Business Coalition paying you to be a shill?

And, we know you’re a conservative hack job for more than 30 years, but this is ridiculous.

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