
March 11, 2008

Some summary thoughts on the Spitzer situation

I don’t have a URL, because if you don’t understand “Spitzer situation,” you haven’t been intaking much news in the last day or two.

First, no, I don’t think prostitution should be criminalized. But, if legalized, it needs to be regulated, as in Nevada, for the protection of all parties involved.

Second, re Spitzer, it’s the cover-up, in this case, the shuffling of large dollar amounts, etc., that always gets you.

Third, as stated before, psychological repression is a good way to get tripped up, whether you’re a politician or not.

Fourth, DON’T use the name of an actual friend, political acquaintance or business acquaintance to cover your tracks in a situation like this. I imagine the real George Fox is mad as hell at Spitzer about now, and rightfully so. That said, an act of such unthinking, and desperation, probably goes directly to Point No. 3 above.

Fifth, if you are going to pay for high-priced call girls, especially if you’ve made your reputation prosecuting financial corruption, can you not be smart enough to recognize what money shuffling will trigger your bank to contact the IRS? Know that your bank will contact the IRS if it appears you are trying to break your money transfers down into smaller amounts just to avoid the $10,000 reporting trigger.

Sixth, given the multiplication of the sexuality-related 12-step groups, why doesn’t Spitzer tearfully announce he has an addiction and is taking a leave of absence for counseling and rehab? GOPers in the New York state legislature would look incredibly mean-spirited if they tried to impeach him while he was in a rehab.

Seventh, do not ask your bank to remove your name off wire transfers of serious amounts of money after first requesting them. You just raised the suspicion red flag and started waving it furiously in your own face.

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