
October 13, 2007

Remember, NSA illegal snooping started from a Bill Clinton background

If it’s correct that the National Security Agency started warrantless telecom snooping on Americans less than a month after Bush took office, remember this one thing:

Those were still Bill Clinton appointees at the top of the NSA at that time.

True, the Bush Administration may have been seen by the NSA as offering a greener light than the Clinton Administration, but it seems to me like this was primarily NSA initiative involved. And that’s NSA initiative by people appointed by Bill Clinton. Remember, FISA requests and other things were ramped up greatly in the last two years of Big Bill’s administration, basically from the time he fired cruise missiles at a Sudanese milk factory on.

True, the attack on the USS Cole may have ramped up urgency even more, but a Bill Clinton NSA coming up with the original warrantless snooping makes it no more legitimate than a George W. Bush NSA initiative.

And that, my friends, is why Congressional Democrats probably won’t push too, too hard for NSA documents from this period as a trade off for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act renewal.

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