And, I know the great majority of bovine spongiform encephaly cows in North America have been of Canadian origin.
Nonetheless, why do you protest the idea of U.S. testing and certification, and instead, in essence, try to blame everything on Canada?
Don’t give me this “government snooping” line, either.
From a consumer point of view, it looks like you’re afraid and have something to hide.
Let’s have better country of origin labeling AND much more stringent testing of U.S. beef. After all, many of you are the folks who fed beef offal, or offal of other ruminants, to cattle for decades in the first place.
And, let me rephrase your claim, referred to in the second paragraph, to say:
The great majority of known bovine spongiform encephaly cows in North America have been of Canadian origin.
Maybe it’s lax U.S. testing that’s part of why we have so many Canadian mad cows and so few U.S.-born ones.
I think you have R-CALF confused with NCBA. R-CALF is in favor of expanded testing.